The International Conference on Contemporary Thinking in Marketing: Big Data Analytics in Marketing
Coussement K., Harrigan P., Daly T., Lee J., Soutar G., (2015), Identification of Market Mavens on Social Media
Coussement K., Harrigan P., Daly T., Lee J., Soutar G., (2015), Identification of Market Mavens on Social Media
Coussement K., Demoulin N., (2015), Identifying text-mining adoption drivers
De Kerviler G., Demoulin N., Zidda P., (2015), Drivers of smartphone adoption as a shopping assistant
De Kerviler G., Demoulin N., Zidda P., (2015), Pourquoi les acheteurs utilisent leur smartphone pour un achat en magasin ?
Geuens S., (2015), Factorization Machines for Hybrid Recommendation Systems Based on Behavioral, Product, and Customer Data, in: Hannes Werthner, Markus Zanker, Jennifer Golbeck, and Giovanni Semeraro(Eds.) in Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, ACM, New York, pp. 379-382
Kristof Coussement presents his paper Text Mining Adoption Drivers on the 27th European Conference on Operational Research.
Kristof Coussement presents ‘Identification of Market Mavens on Social Media’ at the International Conference on Contemporary Thinking in Marketing: Big Data Analytics in Marketing.
Kristof Coussement presents ‘A Bagging-Based Undersampling Strategy for Classification: A Customer Churn Prediction Application’ at the International Conference on Contemporary Thinking in Marketing: Big Data Analytics in Marketing.
Stijn Geuens presents ‘Recommendation Systems for E-Commerce Evaluating Collaborative Filtering in a binary Purchase Setting’ at the Marketing Research Seminar Series at IÉSEG School of Management.
Kristof Coussement delivers workshop analytical Customer Relationship Management in IESEG’s International MBA program.